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Bailongmiao Formation

Bailongmiao Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Ordovician, (38)


Type Locality and Naming

The type section is on the banks of the Bailongmiao River 1 km northeast of the Shuitian River in Xichuan County, Henan, and the reference section is on the Niuweiba Hill 2 km east of the Zhechuan City (Pei Fang and Cai Shuhua 1987). The Bailongmiao Fm was named by the Beijing College of Geology in 1960-1965, and was published by Liu Yinhuan et al. (1991).

Pei and Cai (1987) suggested that the place name “Bailongmiao" is not existent,and so the Bailongmiao Fm should be not maintained. At the same time, they established the type section on Niuweiba Hill, and divided the section into the Longquan Fm in the lower part and the Niuweibashan Fm in the upper part, and also described in detail the conodont sequences in the section. The boundary, however, between the Longquan and Niuweibashan formations in the type section is not clear. Liu et al. (1991) replaced the Longquan Fm with the Bailongmiao Fm, and correlated the Bailongmaio and Niuweibashan formations with the Diaochuanggou Fm in Shaanxi.

Synonym: (白龙庙组)

Lithology and Thickness

The formation is composed of gray, light gray thick-bedded dolomite, with banded cherts in the lower part, and with micritic limestone and bioclastic limestone in the upper part. In the type area, the Bailongmiao Fm is 577 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 
Dolomitic limestone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

This unit rests disconformably on the dolomite at the top Upper Cambrian. [However, regionally, the next older unit can be the Xiuzigou Fm limestone of late Cambrian-earliest Ordovician (Cambrian column 75).

Upper contact

It is disconformably overlain by the basaltic porphyrite of the Zuoqu Fm

Regional extent

The lithology and thickness of the Bailongmiao Fm change little. It is distributed in Diaochuanggou of Shangnan County, with a thickness of 799 m, and at Shidengzi in Zhashui, with an incomplete thickness of 158 m, Shaanxi (Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1989); Liulang, Shangjin and Kazi in Yunxi, Chenjiatai in Yunxian and in the vicinity of cement plant of Guanghua County Hubei, 152-672.6 m thick (Hubei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1990); Xichuan, 577 m thick, and Xiuzigou south of Danjiang, with an incomplete thickness of 149 m, Henan (Liu et al., 1991). The equivalent strata in Shaanxi and Hubei are called the Shuitianhe Fm (Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1989; Hubei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1990).




The conodonts found in Xichuan includes “Acodus" oneotensis-Chosonodina herfurthi assemblage, Scolopodus barbatus assemblage and Serratognathus diversus assemblage in ascending order (Pei and Cai, 1987).


Tremadocian. The Bailongmiao Fm was previously thought to be between the Lower Ordovician Tiexiangou Fm and undefined Middle Ordovician, and to be "Early Ordovician" in age. Yan Guoshun et al. (1983) included the upper part of the Tiexiangou Fm and the undefined “Middle Ordovician" in the Bailongmiao Fm, and considered it to be “Early Ordovician" in age, which is the definition of the present Bailongmiao Fm. [Base put as 25% up in Tremadocian for graphic purposes to avoid overlap with the Xiuzigou Fm of late Cambrian-earliest Ordovician in the schematic stratigraphic column.]

Age Span: 

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Depositional setting

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Additional Information


Jianpo Wang and Xiaofeng Wang